How Does Teeth Whitening

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Team Teeth Whitening

Stained teeth can dull your smile. According to research from the National Institutes of Health, the quality of your smile plays a critical role in your confidence and general emotional wellness. Thus, if your teeth are stained, you might be less mentally and emotionally healthy than you would otherwise be on a day-to-day basis.

Luckily, a dentist who offers professional teeth whitening treatment can likely restore your smile. Discuss this treatment option with your dentist to learn whether it’s right for you.

What Does Professional Teeth Whitening Involve?

An in-office teeth whitening treatment usually involves the following steps:

  • The application of a protective gel to a patient’s gums. The gel’s purpose is to guard against irritation a patient might otherwise experience if the whitening agent came into contact with their gums.
  • The application of a bleaching agent to a patient’s teeth. 
  • Using a specialized, safe light to activate the whitening agent, enhancing its overall effectiveness.

In-office professional teeth whitening treatment usually takes no longer than an hour. In a single appointment, a patient can achieve a significantly brighter smile.

Professional At-Home Teeth Whitening

A dentist who offers in-office teeth whitening services may also offer at-home whitening products. If the staining to a patient’s teeth is only minor, a dentist might recommend this option.

At-home teeth whitening kits available through a dentist usually consist of whitening trays and safe bleaching agents. A dentist who offers this treatment option will advise a patient to wear the trays for a specific length of time over the course of several days. The patient should follow the dentist's instructions carefully to ensure optimal results.

Is Professional Teeth Whitening Necessary?

Patients with stained teeth might wonder whether professional teeth whitening treatment is necessary when there is no shortage of whitening strips and toothpastes available over the counter. Although these products may brighten a smile to a degree, the results they deliver can’t rival those a patient may achieve through a professional treatment.

Reasons why over the counter treatments are less effective than professional teeth whitening include the following:

  • Professional bleaching agents usually contain stronger whitening chemicals than those found in over the counter products.
  • During a professional in-office whitening treatment, a dentist oversees the procedure. When a patient attempts to whiten their teeth at home with over the counter products, a dentist isn’t there to ensure they’re using the products correctly for maximum effectiveness.
  • The at-home teeth whitening trays a dentist offers a patient are custom-designed to fit the patient’s teeth. As such, they offer greater coverage than “one-size-fits-all” whitening strips may offer.

Patients should also know that professional teeth whitening may be more affordable than they realize. Because professional treatment delivers superior results to those of over the counter products, it arguably offers superior long-term value as well.

Ask Your Dentist About Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening is a fairly simple process that can deliver stunning results. To learn more about whether this treatment option is ideal for your needs, discuss the topic with your dentist. They’ll answer your questions and explain what a whitening treatment consists of in greater detail.

Learn More About Teeth Whitening in Carmel, NY

At Carmel Dental Associates, we can examine your teeth and determine whether you’re a candidate for professional teeth whitening. Learn more about how we can help by contacting us online or calling us at 845-225-2224 to request an appointment.