Emergency Dentist in Carmel, NY

At Carmel Dental Associates, your dental emergency is our top priority. If you need urgent dental care during our normal business hours, contact our office at 845-225-2224 and we will do our best to schedule a same-day appointment to provide the treatment you need.
Of course, not all dental emergencies are limited to our business hours. If our office is closed, you can contact Dr. Parlitsis directly at 914-224-9362 and he will provide you with assistance.
We consider the following situations to be dental emergencies:
- The sudden onset of a toothache
- Severe pain
- A broken tooth
- A lost crown or filling
- Facial swelling
- Knocked out teeth
Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Emergencies
Can a knocked out tooth be put back in?
Knocking out a tooth can be a traumatizing experience for anyone, but the good news is that with prompt emergency dental care, it’s likely that we can save your tooth. First, it’s important to avoid touching the root of the tooth—instead, hold the crown. If there is dust, dirt, or debris on the tooth surface, gently rinse it with milk or saliva. You can attempt to push the cleaned tooth back into your socket or place it in a small cup with milk or saliva and bring it to our office. When you come in for your emergency appointment, we will stabilize the tooth so the gums can reattach securely.
What helps unbearable tooth pain?
When tooth pain is unbearable, it’s a sure sign that there is something seriously wrong with your tooth. The solution is to get the dental treatment you need to resolve the underlying issue that’s causing your toothache. In the meantime, you can use cold compresses, numbing gels, and over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen for temporary relief.
How long can an abscess go untreated?
You should not take a wait-and-see approach with dental abscesses. Not only will waiting for treatment put you through unnecessary pain, it can also allow an infection to spread to other teeth, gums, bone, and even your brain or spinal cord. This can be fatal. If you have a dental abscess, call our office right away so we can attempt to resolve the infection and save your tooth.
Can a broken crown be repaired?
Sometimes a broken crown can be repaired, but other times it will need to be replaced with a new restoration. This depends on the type of breakage and whether the remaining tooth structure has any damage that has changed its shape. Either way, it’s important to give us a call if your crown is broken or falls off, as it can lead to tooth damage and decay.
Is a broken tooth an emergency?
A broken tooth is often considered a dental emergency, but not always. If your tooth has only sustained a small chip and you’re not experiencing any pain, emergency dental care is not needed—you can schedule a regular appointment and we can discuss your options for repairing the affected tooth. Broken teeth that are painful, severely damaged, or sharp require emergency treatment.